Precision Demolition Company Ltd. carry out the design required to safely undertake a variety of demolition works. This usually starts with a risk assessment process to determine the optimum methods of work taking on board the client’s specific requirements and site constraints.
With this information we are able to draft a scheme for the works based on sound engineering principles and not just relying on convention. As this scheme is further developed we produce the necessary calculations to determine things such as stress levels to demonstrate that satisfactory factors of safety are present.
CAD drawings are produced along with written descriptions and procedures to explain the proposed design and how it is intended to be implemented. Where Precision Demolition Company are undertaking work on a contract basis we produce the fully detailed method statements and risk assessments to cover our work.
We then follow this through by having a site presents as required to ensure that the design is effectively communicated to those who are carrying out the work and that the quality of the work is to the required standard and that nothing untoward occurs during the works.